Synthetic Biology laboratory

Nature is full of inspiration. If you look long enough and deep enough you would find enough mysteries to solve


Nature redesigned

By harnessing the power of biology, we can create new tools, technologies, and products that can improve our health, our environment, and our quality of life.

Designing ammunition

Infectious microbes are increasingly becoming resistant to traditional antibiotics. We search for transcriptional regulators that we can target.

Identifying infectious agents

Loosing the balance in nature can unleash pathogens that can infect wildlife, livestock and even humans

Detecting contaminants

Microbes have a remarkable ability to detect small molecules. We can use these sensors in designing organisms to detect contaminants.

Restoring nature

Resilience of the environment is truly remarkable. It gives us clues to mitigate the damages we cause by pollution.


Pollinators are at the heart of our food supply. The day they leave us, we all would die in hunger.